
Putin attacca l'Ue sulla campagna vaccinale: «Rifiutate Sputnik e non pensate alla gente»
Il presidente della Federazione russa Vladimir Putin in Siberia
L’ombra di Mosca sul caso Macedonia, diplomatici russi espulsi da Atene
epa06856401 Protesters, opposing the name dispute agreement between Greece and FYROM, hold greek flags and shout slogans in front of the Parliament, during a rally in Athens, Greece, 01 July 2018. The historic agreement resolving the decades-long name dispute between Greece and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was signed on 17 June 2018. EPA/ALEXANDROS BELTES
Occhio al nuovo zar Putin adesso si riprende l’ex Urss
Putin porta il petrolio russo in Adriatico
Gas, petrolio e pugno di ferro le carte vincenti del Cremlino
15 Sep 2005, New York State, USA --- Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech at the opening of the "Russia!" exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. --- Image by © Panov Alexei/ITAR-TASS/Corbis
Trieste attende Putin blindata dagli 007 russi
Putin a Trieste il 26 novembre, vertice sulla sicurezza
epa03851900 Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) welcomes Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta for the G20 summit at the Constantine Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, 05 September 2013. The G20 summit takes place from 05 to 06 September. EPA/KAY NIETFELD
Muore in Dalmazia l’amico di Putin, è giallo
Il popolo di Internet alla carica di zar Putin tra griffe e sexy girl